Oct 18, 2009

Assignment 4: Use the concordance tools to answer the question

Question: Is there any rule governing the use of "big" and "large"? If yes, what is it? Use evidences to explain the major difference between the two words. Please limit your answer to 70 words.

First,the following are definitions of big and large I found in Macmillan Dictionary.

definition of big:
1.large in size
2.large in degree, or having a strong effect
3.important or major
e.g.I had never been involved in making the big decisions before.

definition of large:
1.bigger than usual in size
2.bigger than usual in number or amount

Then I use TOTALrecall to find the differences between big and large through sentences.
Here I list several sentences from TOTALrecall.

1.First, this business wouldn't require a large initial investment.(def.2 of large)
2.If this be the case, how can they be imported in such large volume?(def.2 of large)
3.How do you keep the large amount of material you have collected in order?(def.2 of large)

1.Widespread lack of concern is another big problem.(def.2 of big)
2.But remember also that today's his tory was once big news.(def.3 of big)
3.Big Banyan trees, tall and shady, make people feel very cool.(def.1 of big)

I also try WEBCALL, I found the top 5 of "large" which are frequently used,they are:

number 12617
amount 4316
part 3514
city 2912
scale 2135

Afeter reading information above,we can see that "large" is usually used by describing one object's size or describing one thing in number or amount.
I think this statement can be proofed by the evidence from WEBCALL.

And "big" not only be used by describing object's size but also describing how important the thing can be.
I had never been involved in making the big decisions before.

Also,"big" can sometimes be used in describing that one thing has a strong effect.
e.g.The concerts have been a big success.

Combine the comparison above,I can conclude that

Large: Descibe the practical thing's size in amount or number.
Big: In addition to describing practical thing's size,it can also describes other meanings about the impractical things.

Oct 9, 2009

Assignment3:Listen to Studio Classroom (10/16)

Def.1.(in Hinduism and Buddhism) a god appearing in a physical form.

2.picture of a person or an animal which represents a person,
on a computer screen,especially in a computer or chat room

Cyber Village

It's Studio Classroom's online English-learning tool.

"Today,thousands of people can do things they never thought possible."

  • The sentence is shorten from"Today,thousands of people can do things they never thought that's possible."

Oct 4, 2009

Assignment2:Dictionary Exercise: Olympic Sport

/ɪˈkwes.tri.ən/ n. [C] formal
Chinese translation:騎馬者;馬術家
English definition:a person who rides horses, especially as a job or very skilfully.
Example sentences:People interested in horses can attend any of the equestrian events held during the fair.

Archery n. [U]
Chinese translation:箭術,箭藝;射箭運動 ;弓箭手;射手用器,弓箭English definition:the art or sport of shooting arrows.
Example sentences:Cupid is an expert at love and archery.

Javelin/ˈdʒæv.lɪn/ n. [C]
Chinese translation:1.(運動所用的)標槍 2.擲標槍項目 3.(打獵等用的)投槍
English definition:a long stick with a pointed end which is thrown in sports competitions.
Example sentences:She was first in the javelin.

Fencing/ˈfent .sɪŋ/ n. [U]
Chinese translation:劍術;擊劍柵欄;籬笆;圍牆築柵欄的材料;買賣贓物
English definition:the sport of fighting with long thin swords.
Example sentences:I did a bit of fencing while I was at college.

Hurdle n. [C]
Chinese translation:(賽馬或賽跑用的)欄;跳欄;跨欄賽跑;障礙,困難;移動式柵欄
English definition:a frame or fence for jumping over in a race.
Example sentences:She cleared (= jumped over) all the hurdles easily and raced to the finishing line.

Water polo n. [U]
Chinese translation:水球
English definition:a game played in water in which two teams of swimmers try to get the ball into the other team's goal.
Example sentences:Modern water polo was introduced as an Olympic sport in 1900.

Wrestling/ˈres.lɪŋ/ n. [U]
Chinese translation:摔角;扭打
English definition:a sport where two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground.
Example sentences:Wrestling is a sport that requires strength and grim determination to win.

Gymnastics /dʒɪmˈnæs.tɪks/ n. [U]
Chinese translation:操課;體操技巧
English definition:physical exercises and activities performed inside, often using equipment such as bars and ropes which are intended to increase the body's strength and the ability to move and bend easily.
Example sentences:The US women's gymnastics team won the champion in Olympic games.

Martial art [C usually plural]
Chinese translation:武術(源於東方的幾種搏鬥技巧,如空手道、柔道等)
English definition:a sport that is a traditional Japanese or Chinese form of fighting or defending. yourself
Example sentences:Kung fu and karate are martial arts.

Boxing/ˈbɒk.sɪŋ/n. [U]
Chinese translation:拳擊;拳術
English definition:a sport in which two competitors fight by hitting each other with their hands.
Example sentences:He's a former world heavyweight boxing champion.