Nov 30, 2009

Assignment 8: Listen to ESL Podcast 528

ESL Podcast 528 – Negotiating Salary


negotiation: formal discussion between people who are trying to reach an agreement
e.g. The rent is a matter for negotiation between the landlord and the tenant.

jump at sth: to enthusiastically accept an opportunity, offer, etc.
e.g I would jump at the chance to visit America with you

walk away(from sb/sth): to leave a difficult situation or relationship, etc. instead of staying and trying to deal with that.
e.g. If you walk away from a problem or a difficult situation, you do nothing about it or do not face any bad consequences from it.

be delighted to: very pleased
e.g. If someone invites or asks you to do something, you can say that you would be delighted to do it, as a way of showing that you are very willing to do it.

compensation package 補償方案
e.g. Perhaps we can give you an attractive compensation package if the salary isn’t quite what you’re looking for.

I think the ESL Podcast can really improve my English. Since teachers explain the conversation in detail, and I can easily get the main idea. Especially, the speed of ESL Podcast is not fast, and it is just fine for me.

1 comment:

  1. If you think ESL.Com meet your need, keep using it. Listen to it everyday or every two days. They have a large number of mp3 lessons in the archive section. Fifteen minutes per day could make very big difference. Also, don't forget to take a minute to memorize all these vocabulary words.
