Nov 19, 2009

Assignment7: Listen to Steve Job's talk

(a) Write down the expressions you learn from his talk.

stmble into something: to become involved in something by chance
e.g. I stumbled into acting when I left college.

screw up: to do something badly or spoil something
e.g. You really screwed up there.

start over: to begin again
e.g. She wasn't happy with our work and made us start over.

hitch-hike: to travel by asking for free rides in other people's cars, by standing at the side of the road and tring to get passing cars to stop
e.g. They hitch-hiked around Europe.

entrepreneur: a person who makes money by starting or running business, especially when this involves taking financial risks
e.g. An entrepreneur is a person who sets up businesses and business deals.

(b) Reflect on his thought

I like the way Jobs shared his life experience. Being a listener, these three stories really interested me. Some good words he said may help me in my life.

For example, "Stay hungry. Stay foolish." This is one of the sentences that inspired me in his speech. Because knowledge, like a sea, is boundless. We just cannot satisfied what we learn so far. Using this sentence in the ending, I think that is very motivational. Since audiences are graduated students, Jobs hoped them keep learing and never break off.

In a word, I think it is a fascinating speech.

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